13 Activities to Stay in Shape in Philadelphia


Posted By: Pamela Toy

Often times it can be tough finding physical activities to stay in shape when moving from a suburban area to a more rural area like Philadelphia.

As a Pilates instructor in Philadelphia, I encourage all of my clients to cross-train in other activities to stay in shape.

I was motivated to create a list of things you can do to stay in shape if you live in the city. Some of the activities may be subject to seasonality. For example, tennis is tougher in the wintertime because you have to pay for court time.

Here are 13 activities you can do to stay in shape if you live in Philadelphia.

1. Pilates


Pilates is a great activity that can improve your balance, stability, and core strength. I recommend anyone new to Pilates to try out a class or private session. You can do it at home, but to ensure you are using the proper form, I recommend the supervision of a certified instructor first. Shameless plug: we offer Pilates classes in Philadelphia for anyone interested.

2. Yoga


Yoga in Philadelphia
Yoga is another great way to stay in shape. Yoga can help to improve your breathing, flexibility and stability in ways that are very similar to Pilates. I also recommend taking a Yoga class/private, there are plenty of great studios in Philadelphia.

3. Barre


Barre in Philadelphia
Similar to Pilates and Yoga, Barre is another great form of exercise. We recommend also seeing an instructor to ensure you don’t get hurt. There are plenty of top-notch Barre studios in Philadelphia that you should check out.

4. Rock Climbing


Rock Climbing in Philadelphia
Rock Climbing is another activity that is not affected by seasonality because it is done indoors. Rock climbing is both physically and mentally challenging. It tests your endurance, strength, agility and balance along with mental control.

5. Running


Running in Philadelphia
Running is a great form of exercise that has cardiovascular, metabolic and mental benefits. In Philadelphia, there are a number of great running trails like the Schukyll River. However, in the colder months (December – March), it may be too cold to run outside. Fortunately, treadmills exist so you can still run indoors (although it may not be preferable).

6. Tennis


Tennis in Philadelphia
Tennis is a great way to stay in shape while developing a skill. Tennis also helps to develop your hand-eye coordination. However, in Philadelphia, there are some limitations in terms of where you can practice. There are only a few sets of courts in Philadelphia and during the wintertime, you must pay for court time in order to play.

Check out our post to find out where you can play tennis in Philadelphia.

7. Pickleball


Pickleball in Philly
Similar to tennis, pickleball is another fun racket sport that requires a lot of hand-eye coordination. However, there are only a few places to play in Philadelphia. Additionally, there aren’t any indoor places to play (as far as I know of).

8. Ultimate Frisbee


Ultimate Frisbee in Philadelphia
Ultimate Frisbee is a nice way to meet people and is great for anyone who likes team sports. There are a number of leagues in Philadelphia that you can check out. Unfortunately, frisbee is highly dependent on the weather. However, there are some indoor turfs in the city that you may be able to use.

9. Ice Hockey


Ice Hockey in Philly
Ice Hockey is another team sport that requires a lot of hand-eye coordination, balance and agility. It is a great workout, however, you need to know how to skate properly in order to play. There are a number of rinks you can play at in Philadelphia.

10. HIIT


HIIT Philly
HIIT workouts are really intense interval workouts. Many gyms in the city offer a HIIT class. This workout is definitely more of a sprint, so be prepared for a tough workout. Keep in mind HIIT workouts are not for everyone.

11. Martial Arts


Martial arts in philadelphia
Martial Arts are a great way to stay in shape while learning how to defend yourself. A lot of people I know who do some form of martial art really enjoy the workout, but also the friendships made at the gym. There are plenty of martial arts gyms/clubs in the city and can be done year-round!

If you are unsure what style is right for you, check out our guide on the 6 best martial arts to try if you live in Philadelphia.

12. Basketball


Basketball in Philadelphia
Basketball is another team sport that requires a lot of coordination and skill. However, you can jump into a pickup game free of cost. There are a number of different courts that have pickup games going on all day long. However, in the wintertime, there are only a few clubs that have a basketball court like the Bellevue,

13. Bike Riding


Biking Philly
Similar to running, bike riding is really good for improving your cardio, endurance and leg strength. Bike riding is mainly done in the warmer seasons, but if you bundle up, you can ride your bike in the winter as well. There are plenty of nice trails to ride along including the Schukyll.

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